So quite a while ago a game called Thera was gonna be a bullet hell but failed for the Kickstarter so help me with remaking this with the code I have the songs and I will make the art work but I need help with the coding pls :D

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It will be hard to find someone that wants to help with code for an RPG game. It is too much work. If you find one, open another post with the collab category, and fill al the information that the template has.

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I would help but I’m kinda busy for this whole week

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Bro this is an bullethell

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I would like to help I just need a template

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You should do it as an collab also if you need some art maybe i can help

I actually started working on it

im sorry been a while but i really worked for like a month and need help with health and damage and enemy attacks lol My Project11-26-2021_1-28-43.wick (798.5 KB)

oh and sorry of the big gap uhh im making a cutscene but i wanna make this game like 500 times better

ok man this is a collab now lol

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  1. Title: Thera Remake
  1. Topic: Well me and my uncle were joking about making a remake this game sucked and failed so i wanna remake it
  2. Time Frame: Shoooooot take all the time you need might be a while I want it to be an hour long game at least this is for the long hall
  3. Submission Requirements: I have the music actually and I will do the art but i need coders
  4. Project Requirements: Idk where im gonna put it lol
  5. Project Leads: Me and my uncle who makes the music
  6. Other Things: uhhhhh examples:My Project11-26-2021_1-28-43.wick (798.5 KB) < this is the template < this is the game i wanna remake < This is my uncle who made the music
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This is intresting

Uh huh wanna help

Here is the collab in a different forum Thera Remake Collab