This is strange

So i have been working on an animation for my youtube but for some reason when he is in the air he is slow and has a leafy/soft landing

here and yes i know he is standing on air but there is supposed to be a body

The floor does look strange.
Seems like a bug :thinking:
If it’s okay, can I ask a few questions—

  • What’s the project resolution?
  • What browser are you exporting your animation on?
  • Do you have any hidden/ locked layers inside the project?

the floor was imported in I made it look that way normaly
the real thing that im having trouble with is the backflip kick cuz it looks slow
and when he lands it makes him look like he just levatated down and each of the frames for the kick is only 1 in length and i use 24 fps

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I see, thanks for clarifying that!

Seems like a simple exporting issue then. You can try exporting the project again in the test editor, or bring the mp4 file into another video editor and adjust the speed for the interval of the jump.

ok thanks ill test that

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