Trouble Saving and Exporting on Windows

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I hit save and it acted like it did it, but I can’t open the file. I can locate the file but it just made a blank file. It made the size 65mb but it is blank and won’t let me open it. Then I tried rendering it for a video, but it did the same thing and made it a blank file. What do I do?
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the files should appear blank, i think.

you should be able to drag the file into wick. it appears that all the file imports are broken, including the “open” and “upload asset” buttons, so don’t press “open”.

don’t double-click the wick file, your computer won’t know what to do with it.

for the video thing, i’m not sure. but start by making sure that you are opening the file correctly.

Yeah I found out that you can’t rename the video when rendering it and I’m gonna try dragging that one file

Yeah apparently if I rename it then it’ll become blank and not work

Yes, renaming WHILE rendering doesn’t work because wick doesn’t put the information where it was supposed to. You can rename it after rendering or before rendering when it shows you a save-as dialogue box.