Whoever wants to make a storytime animation

i am very sorry everyone. instead, would you like to collab with me in an object show i am making? it’s called electronics escape. a laptop, a phone, and an airpod case want to get to a mansion, but they must complete 10 challenges given to them by creeper king in order to do so.

i have also made a small storytime animation I dont know if it is going to be called a storytime animation but anyways here it is

Cool, I like it

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You’re welcome

i have returned

what do you mean ?

I’m Stephen Barbaro. The account that made this post is my old account.

oh ok and btw I cant open the chores and speed animating video

Yes, that’s because my old account is connected to my old school email, and because I recently moved, the email account has been deactivated, therefore deleting everything having to do with the account. But no worries, ill create a new video and put it on Youtube so anyone can access it.

can you pls rate my storytime animation thingy

sure thing! could you send me a .wick file? gifs have no sound and videos cant be embedded in the forum.

here is the video:https:

oh cool! and if you want to get better at lip syncing i have a post i made a few months ago: Tutorial - How to lip sync - BFB style!

It’s a video explaining in better deatil about lip syncing and stuff all in the wick editor


I remade my old storytime animation thingy here it is

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what if it was a storytime multianimatior project
like tommyinit did for this https://youtu.be/sRi4rCAppfI

do you want to make it

i’ll be an animatior, just not voice it

I have an idea for an animation
if you want to make it with me
I’m willing to do it with you