Whoever wants to make a storytime animation


You’re welcome

i have returned

what do you mean ?

I’m Stephen Barbaro. The account that made this post is my old account.

oh ok and btw I cant open the chores and speed animating video

Yes, that’s because my old account is connected to my old school email, and because I recently moved, the email account has been deactivated, therefore deleting everything having to do with the account. But no worries, ill create a new video and put it on Youtube so anyone can access it.

can you pls rate my storytime animation thingy

sure thing! could you send me a .wick file? gifs have no sound and videos cant be embedded in the forum.

here is the video:https:

oh cool! and if you want to get better at lip syncing i have a post i made a few months ago: Tutorial - How to lip sync - BFB style!

It’s a video explaining in better deatil about lip syncing and stuff all in the wick editor


I remade my old storytime animation thingy here it is

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what if it was a storytime multianimatior project
like tommyinit did for this https://youtu.be/sRi4rCAppfI

do you want to make it

i’ll be an animatior, just not voice it

I have an idea for an animation
if you want to make it with me
I’m willing to do it with you

i dont do storytime animations anymore (and by anymore i mean that i made only 1)



I actually managed to access the OG Google account that was linked to @Stephen_Barbaro, my first account about 4 years ago. I went deep down into the depths of my Google drive and actually found the video that goes to this post. It’s currently like 11 PM so I’ll upload it on YouTube for all to see (as well as a new anim I’m working on)