Why does the paint bucket tool take about 9 seconds to 4 minutes

(for anyone wondering, my laptop specs are Intel® UHD Graphics, ddr3 ram 4gb, Intel® Core™ i3-10110U CPU @ 2.10GHz)

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Well, for web standards, that’s a relatively fast CPU you’ve got, so I’m pretty sure it’s a Wick problem, on my Intel i5 it takes a second, when in anything else, especially other sites like Photopea, it’s nearly instant. Try filling in something in Photopea and Wick and you’ll see what I mean.
For now, if your laptop is a Windows machine (which I doubt by the amount of RAM you have), just get Macromedia Flash 8, it’s way more stable despite being older.
God I really need to stop being an abandonware shill.
What I mean is that you should try to find workarounds. If you want to add color to something, add a separate layer and meticuously color everything… frame… by… frame. Just like the olden days.

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the time it takes to fill seems to depend on how big the area is.

if you have a small area, it doesn’t take long at all.

if you have a large area, it will take several seconds. in addition to this, subsequent fill bucket uses will take longer, even if you use a small area.

if you use an extremely large area, it could just refuse to fill.

so uh, yeah it’s not the most performant or bug-free of buckets.


it’s because if you are on a low end computer,
the slower the computer is, the longer the paint bucket takes.

…I don’t think it’s the computer specs, dude. Like @BaronAWC said, it could be the fact that it’s bug-ridden or that the stage’s resolution is too high.

i use windows sadly

well thats something to keep in mind :upside_down_face:

I sure hope you debloated it then