Wick Editor OSC Asset Pack!

i used to use Wick editor to make my animations. Now, i have long parted my ways with wick editor, but i knew that there were a lot of Object show animators that use Wick Editor, there are some BFDI Asset packs on the forums, but they use terrible Png assets instead of Vector assets, which wick editor uses.

so i wanna give a gift top the osc-wick editor community!
i will release the assets in a week or so, so wait a bit if you wanna upgrade your bfdi animations.

Oh that’s sweet! I’ve already tried to make one but you using vectors makes it 10x better!
(But it could be laggy since a bunch of vectors in one place)

Link please

a week or so

umm i think it’s been like about a year now so HURRY UP @Quinn !!!