Wick editor released 1.19.1

wick editor updated to 1.19.1

and its fixed bugs

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Uh, “I” realised? Consider changing the title to “1.19.1 is here!”

i don’t think it did…

you must have gone to test.wickeditor.com instead of the main editor.

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yeah i did

then it isnt released. the test editor has been out for awhile now…

No guys, it is released. If you go to the old ‘editor.wickeditor.com’ then you’ll get 1.18. But if you press the ‘launch web editor’ button on the main site, it’ll take you to ‘wickeditor.com/editor’, which it 1.19. Super confusing, why is like that @Luxapodular?

I’ve updated the site for use with our new analytics tools. Soon, editor.wickeditor.com will simply send you to wickeditor.com/editor.

You can read more about it here! Removing Google Analytics to Improve Privacy - wickeditor.com/editor