Wick gets Very slow in the new Windows 10 Update

Has this bug been reported already?
everytime when i enter the fullscreen on the editor the framerates for wick drops to 10 fps that’s unusable! It happens if a other Procces behind wick or in edge a doing something and well that happens a lot so i have mostof the times just some seconds with an smoothrunning version
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to FullScreen in your edge Browser wile you are in the Editor
  2. draw around a bit wait or click on something unexpected
  3. See error, See how wick or edge slows down

Expected behavior
I expect a not 10fps cap Edge or wick

I could send a gid but it would have probably even less then 10 fps so you couldn’t see it

*Computer Information

  • OS: Newest version of Windows 10! ( just updated today!)
  • Device Type: Desktop
  • Browser Edge
    -Chip: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor
    -video card: Radeon RX 580 Series
    -ram: 16 GB

Do you have a suggested solution to this issue? (ex. has another program fixed this bug a certain way? Are you familiar with where in the code base someone would need to fix this issue?)
Nah sorry idk

Additional context Optional*
My Pc should be good enough to run WickEditor! so i wounder is this s problem by edge or wickeditor slowing down my Pc?

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Please, could you try with Chrome Browser within the same win10 update? (I think it is more a browser problem)

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I will try :+1: :smiley:

on the browser its good but not the downloadable version

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