Wick Please add a gradiant tool to fade colors

Hey not to flex, I do NOT want to seem like that guy, but I have been using Wick Editor for 5 + years and I’m an experienced animator. Wick please, your website gets super duper laggy if you have hand-drawn animation at 24 frames per second plus more than 3 layers. The max frames you can go up to without lagging is somewhere around 20-50. do not ask why I decided to post this in this thread lol.

Sorry, uhh, I always am the ‘guy who tells kids Santa isn’t real’. The Wick Editor isn’t maintained anymore. Try a asking a fork!

Also, if you really can’t get your main software (which was QA tested in elementary schools by children) to work for experienced animator stuff, try ToomBoom, Adobe Animate (if you can eat their evil licenses), and if you really really can’t afford for animation software, try an abandonware option (Flash 8).

There’s also Blender. (yes)

And nonetheless I’m looking for strictly 2D hand drawn animation websites so I’ll try some of these.

Oh my golly gosh I am so sorry. I miss read half of the message. I thought you were being aggressive. Forgive me :sob: :pray:

5 years ago?

Maybe try this one:

Or try Wick Wrapper 1.0I (electron wrapper).
Wick Wrapper 1.0I

Hi there! Yeah, the Wick Editor devs have stopped updating Wick. The two websites mentioned by @noobfield are forks with some small features added, no improvements on performance or anything. A gradient tool doesn’t seem too hard to make, though… if I have time, I might work on it


@StickmanRed use a similar icon or we’ll look like bootleg software!

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