Wick Wrapper 1.0

I need feature suggestions for 2.0! Send them here

I made a Wick Editor app!

Click the releases button to get a .exe!
Mac Version?
Uhhh… Compile it, and send it as a issue.

Uhhh… Compile it, and send it as a issue.

You need a PWA. This is a electron app.


How to I get the file? I haven’t downloaded anything on GitHub before.

I’ll make it an installer soon.

Hey guys! I want you to make suggestions for version 2.0!

uhh I think I’m dumb but what is an issue?

It’s a github thing. Maybe i think sending animators to github was not ideal.

the only Experience with GitHub I have is games on the school computers :sweat_smile:

Wait… You played games on github? It’s a coding website.

no like files for games

I don’t really know I don’t have any coding expirience

Then, umm… uhhhh… just send them here.

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