im making a game so we should work together @Jovanny @awc95014 @bluecake @blurredPixels @BSA_15 @Crafter_Flance @Hamzah_Alani
Do you have an idea? It is quite a challenge make a game. I’m currently working in a game, so I think that I would pass this one. Try to design the game in your head or in paper first, so you can share the idea with others to see if they like your idea, so they can help you. Good luck!
sure wait…
hello anyone
hi @myuzernamesthis6, that’s a nice project
I can edit it a bit
Just made some quick edits
My Project11-8-2020_8-44-34PM.wick (6.1 KB)
whether i work on this or not heavily depends on what the game is about (tell me first), how complex it is (i can’t do very complex things), and how much time i have (a relatively decent amount).
i will probably stick to relatively simple games that have a medium difficulty to code. (yeah i made a platformer engine, but that’s kinda all i got. tbh i stole a chunk of the code from khan academy. it wasnt much code i took but yeah :P)
Ehhhh… A collab? I’ll accept.
I can go online at around 4
what is the point of the game? i need to understand so i can know what i know what i am doing
should the jump key be {UP} or space?
I added in the jump
My Project11-9-2020_5-49-49PM.wick (6.2 KB)
You can click the space, or the up key, they both can make the player jump
space cause its easier
Edited that. I used @Colonial_Korn’s border code to keep the ball on canvas
My Project11-9-2020_5-55-41PM.wick (6.3 KB)
Space and up key both work
can you add colllisons becuse the player fall out the srceen
um, he already did that
I have to get some school work done, you guys can type ideas or bugs down.
I can help with coding the project once I’m back