Youtube Rewind 2020 (Collab)

Hey Everyone making an Youtube Rewind 2020 So If you wanna help my Youtube Rewind 2020 Then help us now.

Ok I’ll join I guess but plz add me In Credits

it should be call youtube rewind 2020 (wick editor version)


  • List item

Can I Join?

ya its rewind time

@Adante_Pon Let me know if youre still on board mate

Yes! :grinning: :grin:

sure! :grinning:

ok :neutral_face:

@Adante_Pon Sorry mate much too late unless you have any frames already I asked like 7 days ago

Can I help

sure :nod:

Ok what do you need me to do?

Make A collab Video.

Ok I will?
