3 Features that we NEED in wick editor!

  1. Frame Picker so we can do lip sync easier!
  2. Other easing types, like quart and cubic eases
  3. A distribuite to layers button because i’m too lazy to do it myself
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well until wick editor gets updated after a few years, were mostly stuck with 3 easings but there’s something similar to frame pickerScreenshot 2024-08-26 083947 it looks like this
also the 3rd one, idk what that one is :/

If Wick Editor had extension support and something similar to JSFL, we’d probably have something like Lipper by now.

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i’m scared to ask, but what’s lipper? :thinking:

Some frame picker thing for older versions of Adobe Animate. There’s also FrameSync, but you have to set up labels in your symbol.

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oh okey :laughing: