An old unanswered question

I had this question when I didn’t know anything about coding, and now that I learned some secrets of Wick, I still don’t know the answer to this one. I was just wondering if “end” is some type of method to tell the project to skip a whole frame and all the code inside? Though that doesn’t make full sense . . . I don’t even know if I should mark this as help or some bug reporting? I’m just curious for the answer :confused:

Looks like this one got burried again. Not sure what you mean. So when you name a clip “end” and play the project, that frame disappears?

It might sound confusing, but here is how it looks like on my computer:
odd named end objects
Also, if there were more frames, the one with the object (clip or button) named end would be skipped in the timeline. This got me really confused :confused:

huh, you’re right. It’s weird, don’t know how to fix it other than not naming it “end”

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@Hamzah_Al_Ani I think you may have found an issue where this is actually overwriting a special value that belongs to the browser. I should have this fixed in 1.18.

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Wow, so it was a bug? Hey, thanks for responding, now it makes more sense :+1:
Also, sorry for pointing out tiny :pinching_hand: Wick Editor mistakes

Thank you for pointing out those tiny mistakes! It’s super important for us to know so we can fix them!

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