Anyone made any cool Drawings?

is this for your new duel

no, just concept art. the person that made this oc is the same person that made the oc from my previous duel, i dont want to duel jai cuz his name and rei’s name sound identical and from same person

I just found this picture that I drew in the wick editor in my documents, & I thought to show u guys, hope u like it.
(Also haven’t posted in a while cause there is an animation I’m working on that u all will love) :D


the bg is fire, the character’s pose seems off

thx for the suggestion @Rods_Animations , i will fix that, but is it better than the other one I drew?

yeah, probably add some glow to the lightning bolts in the bg

How do you add glow in wick editor?

for me i get it from paint 3d, i use the spray paint can and add transparent bg so its not visible

ok thanks =)

I would just use the shadow property, although it does require using code to modify the paperjs data from the paths.


you will not believe me when i say this was drawn in wick editor.


ok. i guess i wont believe you then

and here is anither one but a different color

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banana4-17-2023_8-32-39.wick (43.0 KB)


it is an banana

You did that entire banana in wick editor or just the eyes?

All in wick editor. I put the wick file.

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That banana looks incredible :cowboy_hat_face:

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I draw all the times, man

For my animation:
Screenshot 2023-04-21 1.09.55 PM