This is all drawn in Wick Editor 1.19.4
The frame rate is 12 - 24 fps.
I usually just grind at whichever part I want
art so far:

This is all drawn in Wick Editor 1.19.4
The frame rate is 12 - 24 fps.
I usually just grind at whichever part I want
art so far:
(casually teleports into topic)
Yes. To be clear, that’s me testing how the animation would look
oh aight, so anyway, where is the blue guy heading
ima be his animatior uber driver (or airer idk)
i gotta get off :/ so we can talk tomorrow
see you later
sorry about that Wich one?
i exist againg
Storyboard:My Project4-25-2023_9-41-09.wick (135.3 KB)
I’ll be adding key frames inside important clips. I’ll post it when I’m done.
aight ( i used to think frames and keyframes were different)
I’ll be doing the main poses
so like you do the poses then i animate them?
yeah, sure
so, you want to wat then you do the poses then I can start animating?
yeah. Right now it’s only a sketch though
ok i get it
I finished the storyboard and a part of the main poses. here:My Project4-25-2023_12-10-30.wick (355.0 KB)
Just go into the clip on the first frame.
I’ll do the some of the in-betweens for the rest of the main poses.
aight ok!!