Attack on Titan Animation

This project is based off the anime Attack on Titan
I dropped this project a while ago, but now I’m making it again.

There will be a total of 7 scenes, though they’re pretty short so I’ll just call them shots.

Storyboard: AOT_SB10-6-2023_15-50-24.wick (406.6 KB)

Complete Shots(no backgrounds yet)

Shot1: AOT_SHOT(1)10-6-2023_15-53-24.wick (645.0 KB)

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AOT_F9-29-2023_20-59-14.wick (429.2 KB)

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oh u redoing it- OHHHHHHHHHHHHH ok,
can i still be prod helper?

First Shot Complete, just minus the background: AOT_SHOT(1)10-6-2023_15-53-24.wick (645.0 KB)