Boi Game Jam

I’ll give this a 7/10
its good, it could be a little better, there aren’t that many obsticals and its just a little boring, it does fit the theme though

8/10 its a good game and it fits the theme, the only thing I found was that the score doesn’t stop the second you die.

(this is for @Jovanny’s game https://uncompleted-space-ninja-game)
this game is good, it is good and it works well

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top 3 are

  1. @Jovanny
  2. a tie between @Donut and @Hamzah_Al_Ani
  3. @Desmond
    if I forgot someone then let me know

I like the concept and graphics :star_struck:, but, why did you design the gameplay to be slow?

I made the gameplay slow because I was planning to add in some type of drawing mechanics, but there were a few bugs that came up :bug: