BrickPlayer MP4 (CodeName)
Hello! I’m excited to announce the BrickPlayer MP4! (<---- Code Name ) The BirckPlayer MP4 is allowing YOU to play MP4 stuff inside a wick Project! it’s not done yet but I have a good feeling that we will make this as successful as the Normal Birckplayer that gets a 2.1 Realise soon!
BIG Thanks to @Hamzah_Alani for making basically all of the code and just giving it to me :)
You can always Join if you want!
video_-_TEST5-10-2022_23-52-33.wick (7.3 KB)
What is BrickPlayer MP4
The bricklayer MP4 is a NEW Project! it will make displaying MP4 very easy! It is a project to play MP4 Videos inside of Wick!
what skills are needed?
The time frame to join is form now to till the realise of the first version
Also new dev versions will be .wick files the final version will be an Zip file
The Project is leaded by me for now