Can there be a saturation in wick editor 1.20?

I think it would be cool if there was a saturation feature.

oh we do
try and experiment with the buttons of the colour selection tab

You mean having a slider for saturation like there are sliders for hue and opacity? That’s a good idea.

hold on

I only see sliders for hue and transparency. Neither of those describe how vibrant the color is.

I know you can change the saturation in the big rectangular area, but a slider would allow for better control. Or being able to input a number, like with the R G B and A settings. Kind of like this:

This color picker has an option to set the saturation by entering a number. Try entering any number (between 0 and 100) into the saturation field. The X that marks the current color choice only moves left/right when you do this, not up or down. (Up or down would be changing the lightness/darkness, not saturation). The color picker in Wick lets you adjust saturation and lightness/darkness simultaneously, but having separate sliders or number input options for those properties would allow for finer control. That’s how I interpreted the original post, although I might’ve misunderstood.