Collab: Blobblys Adventures

blobbys adventures9-24-2021_17-52-38.wick (1.2 MB)

well, I could add many more fights in one single day but as long as I have the drawings/animations for the enemies, but boss fights, and different fights that are longer will take more time, also the enemy is a red square because i don’t have the drawing for him.

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oki I’ll check it out

Can you make it jump with the fist

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I made some edits

blobbys adventures9-25-2021_21-42-53.wick (1.0 MB)

Some stuff I changed:

I added an icon next to the hearts that varies based on how many lives the player has left

I didn’t take the time to make the icons look good (as you guys could tell from the pictures :sweat_smile: )

I also made the file smaller by using less frames and adjusted the code a bit
(it used to be 1.2 MB, now it’s 1.0 MB)

And changed the ai system a bit, now it’s easier to deploy the bees and bad guys in, all you guys gotta do is use the clone function!

When you open the project, you’ll see them off screen.

Click one of the off screen clips to have them cloned. The clone will automatically function as an "ai."

I added this, and made it so that the fist doesn’t appear only when the player attacks
(I also made the space key work for attacking)
And the player and enemies face the directions they’re moving towards now.

I wrote the AiOne() function in the frames default script (which is the code for the ai).

And now there’s room to make an attacking animation and a neutral one

If anyone’s trying to add in the attack animation, just make sure that (in the attack clip’s timeline) you call one of the frames “damage” so the player gets damaged when the animation reaches that point. Make sure it’s only one frame though, not longer.

I think that’s all, but do let me know if anything may needs editing or such, and what we may need to work on next


oki thx I appreciate it

its not dying also…
EDIT: I also needed levels and Idk if I can do alot and it sucks but I need levels bc it’s supposed to be an html file but I suck at coding and designing but I love it and want to learn more but I need more levels and more weapons but I also need to make a bg for each of the levels so

Yea, levels are doable in one frame

We could also add more weapons (different keys for different weapons?)

For BGs, we could have a clip in the back that changes based upon the level

As for dying, we could check to see if the hearts clip is at frame four to send the user to a “you died” frame.

We might as well have the enemy clips in a separate frame to clone them from and have a certain amount/ type of enemy spawn for every level, as well as have the length of the main frame’s children array tell us when a level is completed or not.

I’ll make these edits later tomorrow to the file
(They hopefully won’t take long)

Also, how do you think levels should be like?
Multiple platforms, boss levels, scrolling view, etc?


ummmm… ok i’ll figure that out.

i want boss fights but i want scrolling and you have to beat stuff to get diff. weaapons kinda like mario

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It’s a contest for a reason don’t be off topic make your own…

Hi @Brayden131, welcome to the forums!
I’d be glad to help you with anything needed, and so are everyone else on the forums :)

I would recommend making a new topic with anything that you might need help with, and we could talk there

that’s is the friend I’m having a contest with, hes also the one who got me banned from the forums for a bit.

oh i was just working on a scrolling boss level before i read this

um would you change it so that you dont need to click on them for them to be able to come

oh lol dang you read my mind

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or time travel

i mean nothing

lol ye dang but I’ll come up with ideas for scenes and events

i was thinking about a level that the boss is a robot and he throws a laser and sometimes you gotta duck and sometimes jump

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cool I like it

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the thing is it makes me sad bc I feel like I’m doing nothing but I want to but can’t pls help…