- Title: Give your Collab a Name! This Title should be descriptive.
[Collab] CorruptedTale (Rpg Game)
- Topic: What is this Collab about? Be specific!
Making a rpg game that is inspired from undertale
- Time Frame: When is this collaboration being held? When do submissions end?
October 26 2021 - May 1 2022
- Submission Requirements: What does someone need to submit to join your collab? When do they need to submit by?
Make a weapon/item or a character that can be used to for the game.
Note(it doesn’t need to have code or animation). They can submit anytime
- Project Requirements: What are the specs that submitted projects should be in? Should users submit their .wick file, an .mp4, or another type of file?
User should submit their work through wick files
- Project Leads: Who is leading this project? Is there a team?
Currently right now UnknownShadowEagle