Incorporating Hamzah’s enemy…
Thank you @Hamzah_Al_Ani, I think that tis is a good addition.
I’m debating myself about the art style… I’ll do this pool to see what people prefer…
0 voters
Green and White
Pencil Gray and Notebook paper
Pencil Gray and Notebook paper with shades
Hi @bluethe_bot_academy, Hopefully everything is fine. We are changing the art style to Pencil Gray and Notebook paper with shades. (See above pool)
I know that you already started using green and white… Is it possible to change your shop owner animations to use this new style? If you have invested significant amount of time and effort into the green and white, let me know to take other directions…
What do you think?
well…i was actually done animating for idle (there was some same frames i copy and paste (fuh glad i mark it down in the frame(so i could change the style…) )) :
and since the suspicious animation ,i had to remake and i just get started of it…i think i could use the style(pencil gray with shades)
and thepayed 4 animation was only a sketch …
so …i think it would be fine to change the art style (wait so the animation gonna be white to fill and use the gray stroke color??? (if yes…can i know what the color code(#??? ) ) ) …but i got worried about the shade (cuz it takes longer time to make than usual)
First of all, the idle one looks amazing…
I think, converting that into gray and white should be easy enough (I think, I’m not sure).
I just made it for the first frame…
Let me know if it is much trouble for you, because I think that I can convert the animation from Green and White to this new Style… In that way, you don’t have to waste time.
Don’t worry about putting shadings initially, just do them without the shading. Then at the end, we can make a decision if we want to add shades to those animations (I think we can live without that)
Don’t worry about the Notebook paper, that is something that I add over here as a layer.
The grey color used is #4A4A4A (or RGB of 74, 74, 74)
Is this fine with you? Please let me know.
suggestion for color conversion, just change all the line colors first to make it pencil/paper, that’s the easiest part. if shading is too annoying or if it takes too much work/time, just don’t do the shading.
thank you jovanny and awc
I think it is fine for me >u<
:D, i think you can help for the converting color ,sometimes i got trouble when converting it (based on the animation i made before this…)
this looks pretty cool I like the concept. I have one question, could I be able to implement this game into Kina OS. Maybe idk.
Sure, why not.
@MrDashell, I think you are too busy for this. I’ll remove you from the enemy designer role #1 so other person can take your place. Let me know if you are ok with this…
No, I’m not busy at all I can make an enemy right now if you want.
Ok, good to know. Yes please, I want you to see your drawings / ideas. Keep in mind that the art style changed.
if im fully honest im much better at character designs then shapes. but here’s how the enemy would work the enemy would be a tricky one zig-zagging around. its movement pattern would match the shape of a Z and is pretty fast.
i think im better at saying how an enemy would work rather then making how it looks.
You know, I think you can do better, how much time did you invest in that? Sometimes I spent a whole night to produce a drawing…
Here is so far what I got working with the new art… it looks amazing.
@bluethe_bot_academy, how the animations going? Have you finished another one besides the idle one… I’ll be working on the shop soon.
@BaronAWC, when you have time draft some drawings about your two ideas… could be on even paper… so I an elaborate on top of that. Thank on advance.
i realized that drawing it wasn’t really the best way to do this after finishing… I’ll remake it in wick, but i figured that i would show this anyway.
basically the middle is the main picture of what it looks like. the smaller versions on the bottom shows how a 10-second countdown would work. (it’s hard to see but at 3 seconds, the middle of the landmine flashes.)
it’s not the greatest thing i’ve made, and i can’t make explosions (it’s basically a flash grenade thingy), but it’s better than the drawing.
paper_tank_landmine6-9-2022_23-13-03.wick (62.3 KB)
im still working on the animation (payed 4) …
this how my progress so far… :
payed46-10-2022_14-28-18.wick (479.9 KB)
welp now here my progress…
i kinda sure about his eyepatch animation …i cant tell myself is it ok or not with the animation…
welp i will tried to finish two animation (payed and suspicious) as fast as i could
I’m currently converting the idle animation from green to white : )