Collab: Tank Game

Yeah, here is the General Store concept… ; ). It is looking good!


Here is the demo…
(is a zip file so you have unzip it after download…)

In order to see the General Store and Shop something you should at least destroy 5 enemies (for this demo)

@Hamzah_Alani, @MrDashell, @BaronAWC, @bluethe_bot_academy

Let me know any feedback…


the tank is kind of hard to control. i have an idea that if we add a hard mode these would be the controls but on a normal and easy mode the tank aiming should be controlled by where the mouse is.

also the shop being green is out of place but its probably gonna be fixed or was made like that on purpose.

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New enemy character idea: The Bomber name can be self explanatory it explodes but its not common in starter levels. when the enemy appears it will go closer to the screen making it look like its going upward and it gets smaller to make it look like its going downward. when the enemy explodes a drawing of a explosion appears. the more farther in levels you go the bigger the blast raidus of the bomber will be.

opinion on my enemy idea?

Yes, this is the old icon from when the style was different.

Yes, I got this same feedback from Baron, I had already a code with different controllers, but it is deactivated at the moment.

Not sure about that, Baron already gave me a similar one…

What about good things…? Did you like anything? What about the General Store and the shop Owner’s idle animation?

the general store and shop owner are pretty good maybe make the dialouge a bit different for the shop owner a bit different to match the personality overall its actually a pretty decent and good game.

Wow, that was fun!

I liked how the enemies dropped money, health & shield power-ups !
The music in the shop is also very nice :musical_note:

Some suggestions:

  • The shop suddenly appears when the player touches the shop clip, a little transition could be nice
  • When the user hovers over items in the shop, you could change the text bubble of the cat to give info of what the item does.
  • Also, maybe make it so that the loot moves away from the shop, or so that the player needs to be over the shop for a specific amount of seconds to enter. This will help with situations like these:
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Yes, @bluethe_bot_academy is working in shop owners animations, and one of them is to give information. With that animation Ill include animated text, and it will change based on what the user is doing at the moment.


first of all , suspicious animation complete ,payed animation done (the previous reply ) :

suspicious2(remake TwT)6-11-2022_18-20-29.wick (1.3 MB)
payed animation :
payed46-10-2022_19-16-41.wick (320.5 KB)

and for the talking information animation…i think i could take bit from idle animation and make his mouth talking (finished (so i only copy and paste later) ) and change a bit of his eye…so since jovanny already convert idle animation into the new art style , can you give me wick obj of the idle animation?(so i could paste the mouth talking layer animation and use some of the idle animation that you converted the style)


Can I join? (because my other collab died)

Few things:

  • I just played this, and I kinda want to add a tutorial.
  • I don’t know how to shoot

Awsd to move the tank and up, left and right to control the cannon.

The team is completed, sorry. I cant work with big teams.

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Sure, give me 30 minutes, Im not on my pc.

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Here is:
idle_for_blue.wick (350.9 KB)

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I’m still thinking what should be a good transition for this…

Designing first boss concept art…


sidenote about my enemy ideas:

  • the mine can be dropped by tanks. if enemy mines are too much, maybe make it so that the player can drop mines themselves to blow up enemies (they can still lose health from their own mines).
  • now that the game is meant to be on a piece of paper, the driller doesn’t really work anymore.
  • also, since the game is on a piece of paper, maybe the landmine can bust a hole into the paper, and things can fall in them, never to be seen again. (the hole will patch up in 5-10 seconds.)

thanks >u<

and here the talking animation (completed) :

talking informatif6-12-2022_8-40-57.wick (272.5 KB)


@bluethe_bot_academy, thank you so much! All of them are great! I’m not sure if you studied or are studying something related to animations, but you, my friend, have a future in this. Congrats. I’ll work hard this week to put together, and incorporate all of them.

I have more animations, I haven’t written anything about them, but I have to ask you first if you are willing to do more… (let me know)

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thanks jovanny >w<

well i was actually waiting for my next collage (in October ) so i didnt have anything to do this 2 weeks so i am willing to do more animation >w<.

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