Collab: Tank Game

Yes, this is nice… I’ll probably take MrDashell’s enemy and re-design it a little, and maybe that one can place mine into the stage.

I think that should work anyways, and I really like the idea. If you could draw some prototypes of the driller, I’ll appreciate it.

I like the idea, but more like an effect… it is a notebook… so there are a lot of pages, so I think that when the mine explodes, I would add a hole in the paper, but the next page will be visible…

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I haven’t design the main character… the one that is inside the tank… but not sure if its needed.

So, with that in mind… I have been thinking in what is outside the Notebook… like in what place that desk is… for example maybe our main character is a student that is taking classes in a classroom. Then, the student is kind of bored, and instead of paying attention to the teacher, he start playing and drawing in his notebook… and maybe that is where the game starts…

I’m open to ideas, but maybe you could start doing some sketches about that, or you can bring similar ideas… What do you think?

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like cutscene before game starts?? animation video??

Before the game starts… It should be something short, but… I don’t think that we need a full video… (that would be a lot of work… )

maybe like a small comic… with a little bit of animation… let me see if I can find an example…

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like this?? :

ouh and one thing can i know what size of the canvas you use? :sweat_smile:

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That is exactly what I had in mind… 1920 x 1080

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Here is a basic idea… (or it could be something similar…)

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nice >w<

yeah…so i was actually thinking it gonna be like this (i didnt finish sketching yet :sweat_smile: ) (the first picture not in the cutscene…i just draw the character full body…) :


Here is how his desk looks like… Collab: Tank Game
That part should have colors since it is like outside his notebook (his real world).

I’ll back to work, I leave that part to you, I know that something nice will come.

(There is a lot at my plate at this moment). thanks!

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Here is how it is so far…


this time drawing on paper was definitely a better idea. i couldn’t figure out how to draw a top-down driller based on google searches, so i decided to just make something myself. (which, yes, is just a drill slapped on a box with 4 legs, but it… works?)


That reminds me to the old TMNT driller vehicle…


I would like to put some easter eggs with all our avatars on the game… Please let me know with a heart if you allow me to put your avatar in the game somehow…

Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 11.45.56 AM


@Jovanny Do you remember what I said about implementing the game into Kina OS? well I would like you to go here Kina OS© Game Resquest and fill it out, maybe idk. All info I need will be there for you to fill out.

When the game is done of course.

i just kinda wondering about the cutscene…
should i put animation of every box (comic)

or just make animation of some of box??
(cuz i been thinking the cutscene will be long to ends if every box got little animation…) .
this the latest of my progress :

cutscene 16-13-2022_8-39-28.wick (992.0 KB)

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I’ll record a video with my feedback, I think that there are good ideas there… but there is something that you should now about this intro… give me 20 minutes to record it… it easier in that way…

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Here, and thank you again… let me know if you need anything…



Progress so far with the shop owner animations… only the talking animation is missing… but I will incorporate that one tomorrow or so…


@Jordy it is too early for this, sorry. The game is still in development. Maybe later.

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Yeah i totally understand but at the end I said that you could fill it out when the game was finished or when ever you liked.