Crafting Fighters Main Discussion

Alright! Make your character… I’ll tell you what to design/make

gonna make a Nitro Fighters forum tomorrow or today

Why? Is that copying my idea?

and what should i make @Crafter_Flance

Hmm… My profile picture with other people just sitting on the grass

uh @Crafter_Flance … We already have a backup?

We’re just using the main forum unless it gets removed, THEN we can use the back up forum. but not this one.

Plus you’re not the manager, and awc95014 already mentions that the THREE of them are already managing the collab.

Ok…? I already know

what fps rate should this be?

30, 12, 36,40 something… Actually lets ask discobot

@discobot help

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot display help

I’m not sure if i can say that its good or bad that you’re managing a competing fighting game collab.

  1. i think is good enough

Ok 30! (I was afk bc I was eating my calender)

So then… what kind of fighter game are you trying to make? :thinking:
(its more of a genuine curious question since im not even sure what KIND of fighter game yall are gonna make)

How about the people in this collab, fight! And you are a white character, fighting

(long response because i got allergic reaction)

ill be supervisor and normal

bottom text

the collab is still up and running, so we don’t need another post. trio (i think it was trio) made a new post already with the files backed up.

we don’t need a 4th leader either, 3 is definitely enough, if not too much.

if you’re copying forum fighters to make a different, that is fine, at least for me, but i’d like to point out the irony…
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you complain that nitro is copying you, but you’re completely copying off of butt’s idea. sure, he’s suspended, but that idea is his.

I know, I am (not really) copying him.