Disable vector and make pixel art?

@Andeer Thank you for sharing. Nice pix art.

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you think a link to a youtube video made in wick is an “outside chat” and lots of lots of lots of people make animations with wick and post it to youtube.com and then share it with people on this forum and they never get banned just for that
and thats what @Andeer is doing but he is doing it with a game. When @Luxapodular said you can’t use outside chats he meant that you could not make discord servers for collabs and other chatting apps or like one time one of the banned people(He got banned because he was under 13) linked to this weird objection chatroom thing and thats something you should not do. I see that you also mentioned he just wants comments thats not true @Andeer wants to give @pyronode an example of a pixel art retro style game.


well in that case, shouldn’t @Jovanny’s and @Luxapodular’s videos also be removed?

(for moderators) do we have to, like, close comments on our videos in the case we make them?

edit: and BSA does have a point. i think “outside chat” is like (an unofficial) Discord or Hangouts or other platform specifically for chat. YouTube videos should be perfectly fine unless I am mistaken.


Bro youtube is not a chatroom


yeah i think youtube is okay


Hello all,
@Turbo_Animation, @Hamzah_Al_Ani, @BSA_15, @awc95014
Thank you for always been helpful in maintaining this forum
a great forum.

I have noticing that everybody is starting to correct
others constantly about the forum rules, which is good, at
a certain point.

The problem with that is that the topics start to be filling
with forum rules corrections/fights, and we lose the main
topic sometimes. Example, this topic is about “Disable vector
and make pixel art
?”, but now it has another direction.

I prefer, instead of correcting each other every time, please use the
Flag button. With that, the issue will be directly notified
to me, and @Luxapodular, and we will take it from that point on.
In this way, we will work with the “spammers” directly and privately,
and the topics remain clean.




I just wanted to share pixel art :(

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just flag his post

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The main question in this thread was solved, and this topic is starting to head in a different direction, so I recommend closing this topic since it’s purpose had already been served.

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Yes :smiley:

Yes it would be Cool