Disable vector and make pixel art?

I there a way to make pixel art in wick editor? I am working on a game and i want a more 1990’s style of art.

Right now changing the resolution of the project is just making the window smaller. Because it is all vector, you cant make pixel art.


You can make pixel art in piskelapp.com and import it in wick but it gets blurry but you can’t make this in wick and you can not disable vector. in the legacy editor the pixel art did not get blurry so change the topic into #feature-suggestions

you can import png but as canvas will probably get resized you’ll get some antialiasing.
or you can put some effort in the html to avoid canvas resizing

i changed it to feature suggestions

do you guys know any other software that is good for making pixel art games?

Here is a video on free and paid pixel art software https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90BghUX7SD0

I actually have a lot of programs bookmarked, here are pixel drawing programs:

With Piskel, you can change the export resolution to be n times the size of the original. If you make a 10x10 pixel art thing and exported 10x the size, it will export a 100x100 image. With this, your pixel art will be less blurry.

Um Outside Chats Are Not Alowed

Who on earth would think a pixel art making website is a chatting website Also why do you capatalize every word in a sentence?

yeah why do u do dat @Turbo_Animation

i dont know and is this better


ok then but also yet um how do you inport the pixel art to wick

export the pixel art as a png and then import the png into wicks its that simple.

consider not having unnecessary chat.


could've easily been this

Screen Shot 2021-01-22 at 8.07.55 PM

Yes, this is right. (It doesn’t have to be a png.)

@BSA_15 Thanks!

lol true :)

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Hi i actually tested this months ago and i achieved a pixel/retro looking game :
I posted it here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLkGf6juh4M

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Hello @Turbo_Animation, I don’t think the reason of posting a link to a youtube video is so that people chat there (Andeer isn’t the first to post a yt video). The video serves a different purpose related to Wick by proofing the possibility of creating a pixelated games in the editor.

Thank you @Turbo_Animation for trying to make the forums a better place
And thank you @Andeer for sharing your video

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pixelorama https://orama-interactive.itch.io/pixelorama ,

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