Forum fighters Old HQ

ok i have a compromise

  • yes I’ll voice my own character
  • no, can I have someone else voice my character
  • no, my character is silent (not recommended)

0 voters

please choose if you have a character

We can use some types of sound rather than a voice for some characters. For example, my character is fire, we can have an audio of how fire sounds, and edit it to make it sound like odd words, or angry or sad fire sounds, to express what’s being said rather than have a real voice speaking.


ok ok fair point
characters may have sound effects as a ‘voice’

So, how’s Forum Fighters going?

I’ve gotten no work done. I’m temporarily banned from my computer because of an allergy that makes my eyes red and my parents are blaming the computer. How’s your day going?

Well, it’s always good to have less screen time :+1:
On a side note, I’m waiting for the thanksgiving to come so I can take a break of school work.

This thread has dust all over it… we might need to look for the next step

I’m always trying to do something. It kinda keeps my sanity. Honestly if I have nothing to do, I will gladly stare at a wall.


that’s some dedication right there. i would probably just sit on the couch and (try to) take a nap if i could.

admittedly, i haven’t done a whole lot of stuff to this collab other than the platformer engine and controlling the amount of people…

When I have nothing to do, I just start programming something new

I THINK the hardest two workers we have are mlgcoolguys_1 & pumpkinhead

For me I would probably just lie down on my bed and try to create like a mind movie or something to entertain myself.

Our next step should be to create attacking animations so the characters can actually attack, right now it’s just press this button to damage the other player when they are touching.

H.A could you design hitbox systems
a Redbox will appear on a certain frame(s) on the atk animation which will do dmg

How bout we add in @Jovanny’s arenas, there are around 3 arenas that we still didn’t add in

hhhmmm fine
do you have them tho

@myuzernamesthis6 @Crafter_Flance @Makponse_Yamonche
im interested in your energy
if you want to you can join us
also baron
yah i know these people haven’t gone though any testing but at this point anyone who can throw in a few grains of effort and steam is welcomed

1 Like

ok ill join

ok mate
just scroll way up and read the summery
if you have any questions ask me (in a single post here)

ok ill see it

i joined :smiley:

cool cool
just read for a little bit to catch up

this is my character he is called karm trap