Forum fighters Old HQ

Drums and Rage:

say hello to saturns’ rings!
i actually dont know where to use
it dosent sound like starting screen music


so what do you guys think

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It sounds nice, u have a good pattern in there :+1:

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what can we use it for

It can be a theme for an arena

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Hi, I have been not as active and drawing lately, it’s mostly because I have had no motivation, and fights have been happening between my parents night and day- I’ve been trying to cheer my mother up, so I’ve basically been busy-? I hope that the situation is better between them right now, so I will try to draw more, such as backgrounds and anything you guys would like me to do -at least try my best- I still haven’t got the hang of drawing in the wick editor, so I would mainly draw on paper and you guys maybe transfer it to the wick editor. Sorry if this was a long message! :/


Take your time :+1:

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:) full song of Saturn’s Rings is out!

now we just need a stage to own it…
like some Chinese court or something
someone like @Fat_Clouds ! can do it!


btw, nice ending

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also our logo
My Project10-29-2020_12-08-15AM.wick (70.6 KB)

can you provide google drive links? I can’t access it from my chromebook.



@mlgcoolguys_1, that’s a dropbox link, right?
I tried doing that before, for some reason it doesn’t work

mr @Luxapodular
i think wick doesnt like adiuo files from dropbox
do you know of this prob;em

Hawaii Dance:

@Hamzah_Al_Ani can u start coding a basic ai for the game
make it simple for now

2 more things
im planning on making a advertar for tutorial preposes

does anyone against the logo i made a while back

Idk HAHAHHAHA chinese temple entrance before you enter the actual temple?


I think we should get to coding/animating the attacks first.