Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

The weird thing is it is usually smooth gameplay for me, but lately it got sluggish??? what’s weirder is that it would randomly run smoothly for a while and then go back to being slow.

why ot we just try it out first, we give you(baron) 5 different weapons

  • fists
  • gun
  • text sword
  • side shield(hold a single attack blocking shield that only applies to melee attacks)
  • boost (require: do 50 dmg in 6 secs, press e to gain a a 30 speed boost)
    just these 5. then we can use H.a 's framerate find method (that i remember him using at some point) to see how bad it can get.
    can we?

so this will also be implemented in quickplay?
meanwhile what key would you guys (Tryo especially) recommend for switching weapons?

…oh hey the game’s running smoothly now. weird

i dont know :( at least not for quick play

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my initial idea was that different key combos would do different things.

for example, the side ground attack is a sword, and the up attack is… also a sword, but maybe it aims up instead. and a neutral ground attack is a gun. and a down attack is the same gun doing the same thing. or maybe it’s 3 shots. or maybe it’s in both directions. or it shoots everywhere. or…

basically, you end up with like 10-20 different weapons per attack. and there’s like 6 different ways to attack.

in the end, there’s just too much. that’s why i haven’t been very on-board with the idea. i know it’s good to be considerate of everyone’s ideas and try people’s ideas, but the effort to make it work is a lot, and the reward is… a free game made online by a bunch of people, many of which kids, who don’t even know each other… with the ability to choose weapons.

and when you can choose weapons, why choose characters if they can essentially do the same thing?

which means… there’s a different way to do this. if each character has a few options to change their loadout, but the attacks are still (mostly) exclusive to that player only, we make characters unique, have some choice, and don’t destroy people’s computers. all at once.


i don’t know… you said it yourself, you’re 300 ahead of me. besides, i think you earned it, that title is yours. for now at least, who knows if something bizzare happens.


First to get out of the way.
All characters have different skills and arcenals
Example. Alexis is the only one with the ability to double jump while also having the highest base speed, BUT she has the lowest base health. a glass cannon

baron, you can be an all-arounder, speedy hardy and hurty, but as a generalist, without any specialist traits(other than being the best melee character), you work best as someone who wants to do a little bit of everything.

characters also have individual arsenals, MOST WEAPONS CAN ONLY BE USED BY .ONE.CHARACTER.
baron wouldn’t be able to use an attack to throw a bunch of fruit everywhere(Alexis)
and Alexis wouldn’t use your sword

also only melee weapons will have key combo attacks(up,down,neutral and dash), other weapons are limited to 1 or at most 2
boomerang mentioned in the docs acting as a primary weapon will only be able to be thrown left and right. that’s it. no throwing upwards or downwards.
so 2 animations at most for most weapons.
melee(dash, up, neutral, down and normal)
primary, (1 or 2)
second (1 or 2)
tertiary (1 or 2)
animation frames average = 7
per weapon max.14 min.7
loadout average animation = (3weapon slots) 3(2 x 7) + (melee) 5(7?)
14 to 7 for each weapon



I forgot to mention that this only happened yesterday. the days before that was just fine.

It could be because i had 2 accounts signed in this computer yesterday

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I cant help but find it so baffling that a piece of code works but doesn’t do it right.


Just a quick question: What do these maps have to do with the forum? They look awesome though…

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ok, i think that makes more sense.

so side, up, down, neutral side, neutral down, and neutral are always the same; and primary, secondary, and tertiary are the ones you can choose from (for example, i can choose 3 from 5 unique attacks and set them as my primary, secondary, or tertiary), but the choices are exclusive to the character.

to choose which one to use, should we just use 3 more buttons? if that seems like too much, we can remove the tertiary one.

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That’s where right-click switching (insert jazz hands here) come into play
Just press right-click (story mode)/ some other button(quick play) and BOOM. Next weapon

Don’t worry, all maps have some sort of loose connection to the story.

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why not just… use one button? like N or 1? in a game like this, it’s not fancy to use right-click, it’s annoying. what if someone doesn’t typically use a mouse? (like me)

Hey so I tried to make a state variable, and it works!
*excited button mashing and celebrating ensues*

FF animation States

I initially thought it was a dumb idea, but trying it out now it makes me :man_dancing::sparkles: internally so hard i feel like I could shake.

So i added the initial idle state to the playerInit function

//excerpt from function
project.initPlayer = function(self) {
self.STATE = "idle";
self.nextSTATE = "idle";

and how I want to work is that the player will play the animation while the player.STATE is not the exact same as the variable this.nextSTATE

so i then added this code to control the animations:

// hurt animation
    if (player.hurtAnimFrames > 0) {
    /*had to change it to state because it causes a weird bug
     that keeps the player in the hurt state forever.
   I didn't change anything about the player.isHurt condition, however*/
        player.nextSTATE = "hurt"
    //state Control
    if (player.STATE !== player.nextSTATE && player.nextSTATE !== "hurt"){
        //if player is not attacking and is not hurt
        if (!player.attack){
            if (player.nextSTATE === "idle"){
                project.changeAnim(player, "idle");
            }else if (player.nextSTATE === "walk"){
                project.changeAnim(player, "walk");
            } if (player.nextSTATE === "jump"){
                project.changeAnim(player, "jump");
            } else if (player.nextSTATE === "fall"){
                project.changeAnim(player, "fall");
            player.STATE = player.nextSTATE;
        }//else if player is attacking and is not hurt
        else if (player.attack && player.nextSTATE === "atk") {
            if (player.attackName === player.sideAttack)
                project.changeAnim(player, "atk_Side");
            else if (player.attackName === player.upAttack)
                project.changeAnim(player, "atk_Up");
            else if (player.attackName === player.floorAttack)
                project.changeAnim(player, "atk_Floor");
            else if (player.attackName === player.downAttack)
                project.changeAnim(player, "atk_Down");
            else if (player.attackName === player.N_Attack)
                project.changeAnim(player, "atk_N");
            else if (player.attackName === player.NA_Attack)
                project.changeAnim(player, "atk_NAir");
            player.STATE = player.nextSTATE;
    } else if (player.STATE !== player.nextSTATE && player.nextSTATE === "hurt"){
        project.changeAnim(player, "hurt");

I had to put the statement for setting the player state in 3 separate conditions so that it wont override and stuff.


also if i am correct, after TryoByte’s patch this should be patch #7

FFR 1.3.29 (patch 7)5-20-2021_6-50-47.wick (1.4 MB)


barons neutral attack locks the opponent on their hit anim

another patch thing, plus a bug or 2.


  1. my jump animation is extended a bit so you can see the first frame more.
  2. the trackers now use charClipPosDelay to accurately track the player.
  3. the player hitboxes’ opacities are 0 when the project is run.
  4. charClipPosDelay is now 0 (just because i was testing it with the tracker thing, it can go back to like 0.5 if needed)


  1. for the jump animation, it starts at the last frame and stays there since the frame tells the animation to stop. (only the first time, the other times it runs as expected). i temporarily solved this by adding another frame at the end of the animation that is the same as the first frame. but if someone could find a real fix, that would be awesome.
  2. if you do an attack in which the player stays on the ground (for example, the down air attack or my neutral ground attack… for some reason), the character will be infinitely in the “hurt” pose, unable to do anything. they can move again if they are attacked in which they are in the air, even just a little. (except for my neutral ground attack. i guess the hurt duration ends after the player is back on the ground.)
    edit: just realized that gamer_boi posted a very similar bug report a few minutes ago

we are actually only about a third of the way to the file limit of 4096 KB, which is 4.096 MB. i’m sure the audio files will change that :P
FFR 1.3.29 (patch 8)5-19-2021_17-09-01.wick (1.4 MB)


patch 9

  1. i think i fixed the stuckInHurt bug by changing the hurt code
    //if player is hurt
    if (player.hurtAnimFrames > 0) {
        //play hurt anim
        if (player.nextSTATE === "hurt"){
            project.changeAnim(player, "hurt");
            player.STATE = player.nextSTATE;
    //otherwise default the state
    } else if (player.isHurt){
            player.nextSTATE = "idle";
            project.changeAnim(player, "idle");
            player.STATE = player.nextSTATE;
  1. removed the walls from the mushrooms and made them part of the background

  2. I added some maxZoom and minZoom values for the camera zoom, but I didn’t have time to make a zoom function yet. I was thinking we could calculate how close both players are to the center and change the scale of the camera that way.

FFR 1.3.29 (patch 9)5-20-2021_10-18-14.wick (1.4 MB)

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tweaked the dash attack so that the hit time is a bit longer than the invincibility time. this is mainly so that the animation doesn’t flicker between hit and normal.

made the attack hitboxes invisible by giving the original one (the off-screen one to the left) an opacity of 0. and wow this game is so much cooler without the red box, feels really nice.

also updated credits. please tell me if there is something missing.

FFR 1.3.29 (patch 10)5-19-2021_20-42-51.wick (1.4 MB)


I can’t wait to add sound effects to this game. I haven’t dabbled in sound design that much but I do have some ideas for how I’d make the hit sounds.


My Project5-20-2021_17-13-15.wick (425.5 KB)

this is Toria’s main chapter map (special map)
toria lost her assets and files and its stuck in this strange bubble by phill. he’s containing it the pillar of 404. removal, but it seems like the fighters found it her before he was done yet so he’s sending his minions to just destroy her files manually.

protect your coding friends trying to extract Torial’s files. the enemies will try to interrupt your friends and destroy her files. SO GO STOP THEM. if everything goes smoothly there definitely wouldn’t be a massive bump you’ll have to go through later on ;)

revaped unfinished crystal caves
request for @KringlePrinkles to take the baton from me (aka, hlep pls)

  • add outlines to platforms
  • there are 5 platforms
  • make the file animations smoother and “cooler”
  • maybe you widen the entire map. it feels a little cramped
  • we could try and change the upper two platforms so they look a little different

also, @awc95014
buttons could be customisable?