I wanted to talk about something

Hello Everyone, Umm we (Me and some other friends of mine in school ) had created this initiative wherein we could teach game development to the poor or unprivileged people as I had mentioned in @Hazmah_Al_Ani 's pixel lide. It is called the Game Mentors initiative our final goal is to teach them how to make games, improve their handling of technology, especially the code factor, and help them make their careers in the future world of technology with the world of coding wanted to teach them how to make games, One of that platforms which we had chosen them or one of the courses which we had decided on was wick editor combined with HTML and Audacity if people know both of the 2 other tools I mentioned here and so I was asking for all the help I could get if someone wants to help us out with this thing I will explain all future details later if you’re going to help us out in the future

If you would like to help please drop an email at gamementoracademy@gmail.com or you can always add your emails below as a comment stating the phrase-

I would like to help OR a simple yes is fine and right next to it is your email on where I can add you to our doc and explain to you about all the other details such as the various other things we will be teaching them,

Rest in I love this community and the projects it makes, Thank for your inspiring ideas to help make this a reality,

Thank you :):slight_smile:

And if possible I would also want some other projects to be started once again if people do not mind which would be a better and improved version of the corrupted tale rpg and forum fighters (discontinued)

If any other creators such as @Jovanny , @KringlePrinkles , @awc95014 , @gamer_boi , @Hamzah_Al_Ani would like to help please do, sorry for writing only these creators names oh and @UnknownShadowEagle as when i joint these were the most active creators at that time, and @Watrmeln

Please forgive me for the ones who didn’t mention XD

Sorry, It is a good thing, but this can’t be the source for that. It is against this forum rules to keep communication outside the forums. Keep that initiative locally.

Having said that, people can always write questions about wick editor / javascript within this forums.

Wish you the best,
Jovanny - Wick Editor Forums Admin.