Forum fighters Old HQ

As long as this project is going to be successful, I’m sure the time put in will be worth it!

I’ve done projects before that take even longer, to the point I just quit, and start a new one
(in fact, I’m still trying to look for an easy method to code 3d in 2d programming website,
that was one the very first projects I ever did in wick)

have you seen 3d projects made in scratch

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why do you need to code in 3d

I’ll try to look deeper into this

Because, y not ? Just imagine when u could look everywhere and see shapes in 3d
(if life was 2d, it would suck :P)

im going to attempt 3d im basically going to copy your idea

Feel free, and take ur time!

You could see my 3d attempts when you search “3d attempt” on the forums
Screenshot 2020-09-12 at 6.36.14 PM

Ok This Thing Going To Get Long So im gonna Make my own Topic bye!

yah it was kinda terrible of me to leave without ellecting a new leader

so are you going to ellect a new leaderrrrr

yes i think it should be hamzah_ai_ani and baron

im the only one making sound for the game

ummmmmm mojad

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what about it?

u use flipaclip

used to. i found this website and now i completely ditched it

it was garbage

i used to use pencil 2d but now i use the wick editor

so what do i animate?

Hey, @mojad, do u have this in a wick project by any chance?

My Project9-11-2020_8-47-44PM.wick (53.6 KB)

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i did that to prevent my last mistake with pumpkin head