Kina OS new Operating System

Hello, today I wan’t to show you a new os inspired by systematix, Kina OS, in Kina OS there is a lot of fun stuff like bing / a browser (YES A BROWSER), a notepad, wallpapers, a TextToSpeech app (thanks Watrmeln), and it can check if you have wifi or not.

Open Bing, click on videos at the top of the web page (you cannot access youtube directly) then search for your video.
Kina OS

Kina OS


@Watrmeln check it out here is the new version, since you only have the preview but it’s old.

wick file?

check discord

Hello guys, so today I’m leaving some features that will probably be included in the next update for Kina OS in a summary down below.

  • Kina Assistant

  • NoteFile update

  • Included OS games

  • Being able to change Kina OS’s language, as well as Talk Back’s language

  • More Wallpapers

That very cool, nice job

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Thanks for using Kina OS, and thanks for the feedback.

also check out watrmeln’s OS

good os :+1:

I found a bug its when you open bing then shutdown or lock bing is still there

yeah I’m working on it, this is a big update not that big

ok! and it’s great!!! i like the os this is a real os to me

Thanks! any bug you find just list it here

if you like this version then you will love the next version! (i helped him make the icons and stuff)

Yeah you will like the next version more :)

Yay!!! and I am also making an operating system it’s like windows 11 its a remake of it


for the people who can not upgrade and for everyone!


Cool! I actually can’t upgrade to w11 so let’s see how your OS goes :)

a slightly newer version of Kina OS (it’s not new) is on my Webpage

also, I’m adding a code editor to kina OS, so you can leave a programming language you want to see on the editor.

I already have html css and js

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for programming languages you could add c++

ok maybe writing a c++ compiler would be too complicated. you could instead compile emscripten to js. or not add a c++ compiler. idk i’m just fascinated by low-level stuff. it reveals how the inner workings of a computer works.

actually i have a good idea, you could perhaps make it run webassembly. there are programs that compile code from c++ or rust or something to webassembly. so by adding webassembly support, you are making it so you can run code from multiple programming languages. and javascript has a webassembly interpreter built in.

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what the app does is that you can write code like if it was in a notepad but when you download the file of what was written on the txt input the extension will be the programming language, I mean like test.js or test.html or test.css but I can look into what you are saying