I have compiled everything people have been helping with regarding the javascript and finally have it done.

You can play the game at: https://pyronode.us/klicker/v/0010/
You can find the wick file at https://pyronode.us/klicker/v/0010/source.wick
You can find project info at https://pyronode.us/klicker/
You can find all version of the project with all .wick files at https://pyronode.us/klickerversions/

Thanks to @Hamzah_Alani @KringlePrinkles and @BaronAWC for all the help along the way! I have added your names to the credits btw…

I hope you guys like the game and enjoy!


this happened only twice, but i think you might need to check that each circle isn’t touching all of them, not just one of them like i put in the example.

it’s still a very interesting game.

oops ill push out a update with that i think i forgot to put the code you submitted that fixes the overlapping.

ill repush on the same domain

Okay fixed the first issue with the some buttons hiding if you only got half of them right.
So all i did was write this.x = 1412.281 this.y = 158.717. So on each of them I would put the x y coords of them on load so that they would restart there everytime.

The code you sent for fixing overlapping is not working. Would you mind adding it to the wick file i attached to this post? I cant get it to work :confused:

Klicker12-6-2020_3-52-14PM.wick (326.8 KB)

Okay it no longer overlaps -_-


If you are wondering what happened to my site, i forgot to renew it.

yeah i don’t have ssh setup yet. the site got reset.

don’t worry about it. it should be fixed in a couple of days.

i’ll upload .html here in a bit as i’m on my phone

okay i dont know if you care but the website how has https on it.
you can play the game by going here https://pyronode.us/login.html and logging in as the name ‘user’ with no password. then the game should pop up. just click play game next to it and your done!

sorry for the hassle

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