
there is a problem with repl.it

that is really weird I have never seen it do that

oh it works now

I know this is already possible in Levox, but I feel like adding a command that opens multiple links in ONE tab
Untitled_ Nov 3, 2020 1_16 PM
What this really does is just load multiple iframes in one created window. I feel like it would be perfect for multitasking (and really allows me to work on different projects at once :open_mouth: )


what is that sorcery you just did :OOOO

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Anyone can already do this in Levox by running this code:

Window>>Create>><iframe src="https://editor.wickeditor.com/" name="iframe_a" height="100%" width="100%" title="Iframe"></iframe><iframe src="https://editor.wickeditor.com/" name="iframe_a" height="100%" width="100%" title="Iframe"></iframe>

What I did was make multiple “iframes” using html. I’m not the best person in html code, but I typed this in the default script to make it happened:

var c=window.open();
c.document.write('<iframe src="https://editor.wickeditor.com/" name="iframe_a" height="100%" width="100%" title="Iframe"></iframe><iframe src="https://editor.wickeditor.com/" name="iframe_a" height="100%" width="100%" title="Iframe"></iframe>')

You can change the link

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can’t you use tabs?

Yes, but I’m the type of person to have hundreds of tabs opened, and simply scrolling through one tab feels easier (but it might lag more depending on what I have opened)

can’t you use tab groups on Chrome?

I can use tab grouping, but I don’t really prefer tab grouping because it looks kinda weird

And in an iframe, I can adjust the size to fit more things on one screen

woah… levox is kewl

is that text box there supposed to be like a console for events? my guess is that it was off-screen in the editor and upon export it stayed there.

That text box is supposed to stay off-screen (it’s not a console)

Thanks for letting me know, I’ll make sure that it becomes more non- visible

I’ll also remove dark mode on my way, and try to add in the new design. We still need to design a new menu, & that text box won’t be visible at all in the new version
(looks like it’s only me and BSA_15 in this collab now)

Im Back

@Hamzah_Al_Ani should I remove @509robotic and @Mrdashell from the credits?

i think we should, their accounts have been removed now. there’s no way to contact them, they can’t help us. i would ask if we should make like a location for the lost memories (we have 3 of them now) but we can’t even ask. technically we can ask 509robotic via scratch, but i don’t think that’s allowed, is it?

Let’s keep @509robotic in the credits because he made the favicon

We can’t send links or mention other places like scratch, but I already know 509robotic’s scratch’s username, & I know yours too, so we can finish this discussion somewhere else without breaking rule 8 or 7

oh wait i put it in the wrong place, should be in forum fighters :| the 509robotic part still applies though

I had a feeling you had it in the wrong place when you said:

(it’s because u never asked to be in this collab, but u can always feel free to join
EDIT: I forgot, you’re probably busy with other collabs and projects)

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i know, that person was removed. that makes it so they can’t be pinged or clicked on for info (they don’t have info).