
Go to the Load script of the textinput and replace ‘input’ in line 20 with ‘textarea’. Now you can insert multiple lines

We’ll probably use that and replace the “enter” shortcut with something like “ctrl+enter” to run the script, thank you @pumpkinhead :D

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I don’t want you to think that made-up programming languages are called conlangs. I just used that word to describe a programming language that was made up for the sake of making a programming language. And usually conlangs are made just for the sake of making up a language. So when trying to think of a word for this type of programming language so I don’t have to type out “Programming language that was made up for the sake of making up a programming language”, I made a connection with that and the definition of conlang so I just said it was a conlang.

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Yea, I see where the conlang comes in. Although I’m sure that no one in the world is gonna use this language, I just made it so that I can admit that I accomplished this task, and even though I might never use it to create anything, it’s just cool when u create something that creates things!

“I like creating things that helps other people create things,” quote by Luxapodular

sorry I was taking a walk

Progress on the 3d thingy:
Wick Editor 1.18 (2)

Hey @BSA_15, what should the code for this be? 3d Clone X Clone Y Clone Z? or x,y,z?


I prefer that because it is really easy to type

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the text boxs name’s value


Or the input:

Why not name it Levox itself instead of LevoxScript? I like the name Levox by itself. JavaScript is the only programming language I can think of with “script” at the end of its title. The languages I am aware of are Fortran, Lisp, Scheme, BASIC, C, C++, C#, Python, Java, Lua, Rust, Ruby, Swift, and JavaScript.

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scratch was coded in squeak
Before Scratch 2.0 , it was coded with Squeak (a version of Smalltalk ). Now, it’s programmed with Adobe Flash (which is based on ActionScript ). Phosphorus converts Scratch projects into Javascript so certain projects can run faster

yeah :smiley:

No, it was programmed in JavaScript


@Hamzah_Al_Ani are you done with the 3d stuff

HTML5 isn’t a programming language, it’s like an XML file.

hmmm… we should add some type of calculator to Levox?

You type in a math equation like (5*86)+5/78, and when pressing enter, you should get an answer. Then, u can move the pixel to 5050+pixel.x or something to refer to its x, y, width, or height in your equations to determine where it goes. I think this would be helpful!

I think @BSA_15 should be in charge of this collab since he made the very first Levox!
hmmm… what are stuff that you’re interested in working on? Coding, designing, testing, drawing, ect?

in the end the javascript wasn’t modified, it’s just that wick has built-in functions and that stuff.

yeah :grinning:

wait can I draw and code

the only languages i know that exist (don’t necessarily use or understand) are html, css, js, java, python, swift, c, c++, and c#

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