Making my own Wick Editor

Making my own Wick Editor

I (and almost every user here) dislike the editor, and i imagined, what if there was a better web alternative? I have web-animate (a fork of legacy wick editor) and it’s going legacy too.

So what now?

I’m exploring on making my own editor and framework for hybrid entertainment.

More updates when i finish a test version.


I am using the Wick Editor Engine now. I’ll improve it, add Symbols and stuff, but it’s still a new editor.

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Symbol Implementation

I thought that there’s a very simple way to make the Symbols:

  1. project.symbols is gonna be a object, with symbols by their respective names.
  2. When you add a symbol, it makes the clip that is the symbol, but with a this.symbolReference
  3. Once you change the symbol, the whole render changes too!
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cool! me and my friend were planning to make an app that works like wick editor but the layout is Flipaclip it’s called Wick_Flip!

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@Flipaclip_Master do you even have coding knowledge, or even <canvas> knowledge? Will you use a engine like wick editor, or will you get some doohickey react app with half-copied code from stackoverflow? I was thinking of a window-based UI, maybe i can do a FlipAClip style UI.

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IDK im reasearching alll of that

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For me to self-train on how to use jQuery UI, i’m building a note app.

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and yes i know how to code

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IDK what canvas is but if its about the thingmabob size canvas i know

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Canvas is a HTML Element, that uses Javascript to make neat little graphics on-the-go.
Wick Editor and almost every online tool with drawing/gaming/anything really interactive uses it.

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does wick editor have that? nevermind you just answered that

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I’m gonna take a break from computer now! Will come back soon!

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ok zbyebye

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I’m back! I watched Animation Vs. Coding!

edit: links turn into embeds!

NEW DISCOVERY (or configuration kinda…)

I found out that the Wick Editor Engine has a JSDoc script!

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I’m gonna change the theme so it isn’t painful to use it.

Woah, what? I did not know it did that! That’d definitely have made looking for stuff easier when I was working on my :fork_and_knife:.

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Actually, i grabbed the engine from your :fork_and_knife:.

Oops! i forgor to add the --theme!

also, @StickmanRed, if you want to add to the docs, learn JSDoc here:

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