The hourglass ability sounds nice!
Take as much time as you need with the sprites 
I’ll start working on adding in the hourglass and updating the hearts item tomorrow, I probably won’t get them done as quickly as the previous updates though, maybe 2 days or so. Also, since the position of the shop is expected to change, I’ll try to make some edits to the last file I shared to prepare for that. I also prevented the user from placing items under the shop, should we keep that, or should we allow the user to place items anywhere in the map, even under the UI?
With all of these great abilities, I find the addition tank a bit useless (especially since multiplication tank deals double damage), so I was thinking if we should “lock” some items in the shop, and have them unlock after the user reaches a specific level? For example, the multiplication tank unlocks after level 3 is completed, the hearts is after level 5, mines after level 7, hourglass after level 10, etc… (this is just an example)
This will not only force the users to start with the weaker tank and rise up from there, but it’ll also give them something to aim for, a goal. With that goal in mind, they’ll have to come up with a strategy for how they want to pass the level with the tools they have while saving for the other unlocked tools.
I also feel like with the hourglass and hearts ability, if someone was to place too many of them over the map, then the game becomes too easy. I’d like to suggest putting a limit somewhere here… for example, the hourglass would have two equations, or you could only buy 4 hearts max, or something like that.
Edit: Maybe we could even limit how many of each item could be bought based on the level… for example, you could buy 2 hearts max after level 5, and unlock more hearts in the shop every 5 levels (this is just an example). Same thing for hourglass and other items.
Also, just to make sure, would you like the hourglass ability to be something that you can place on the map?
Sorry for asking too many questions