@wcb, there’s obviously a copy here. It’s basically @BaronAWC’s character but a different skin tone (and a different shirt). Unless it’s an oc inspired by him (and you admit it), that’s plagiarizing.
my work is not original, i know that. it’s slightly different from other designs. yours is like a clone of mine with different colors. at least admit your idea isn’t the first, that’s the least i’m asking for. it’s not too hard.
Could you please in the future don’t post things like these?
It does not add value to this community. We should use
this space to talk about our wick projects, clarify editor
questions, point out bugs and suggest features to the editor,
ask for help, post tutorials and so on…
This post is clearly provoking unnecessary friction in this
community. We are happy to see your character creations using
the editor, but If you don’t want anyone to use it, then it
is better not to share it. If your work is similar/based on
someone else work (and that someone else belongs to this forum),
then it is not a good idea to post it here.
I agree with @Jovanny, but just to add on to this part, I think that it’s better to give credit or say that your project is based on someone else’s work, or inspired by another masterpiece, or simply ask before posting. @BaronAWC already said he was ok with this
So then, any post that would call this as stealing, plagiarism, or anything that goes against the golden rule is basically just trying to reopen pandora’s box after its been closed
Yo baron, if you think he doesn’t have the right to not use it, we’re not stopping you as its your own property. Maybe claim it next time, but you should do your best to stop this…
I’m okay with him using it, i don’t think making a big deal about this is too important anymore.
It doesn’t mean its necessarily right tho. Do you feel like you’ve accomplished something by ripping baron’s own character? Its fine to use references, but at least change something like the shirt or something. If you say you changed the skin color and hair, you can still definitely see that its barons.
Hi @Hollow (Hollow Knight?), you seem new to the community (even though you joined back in November). Anyways, welcome to the forums
ok no more post beyond this one
this topic is now INACTIVE