i think he means blackwashed as in washed with black
No it isn’t. This is my character and it’s entirely original to me. Note the trademark and copyright
I have no idea how to reply to this
just because it’s copyrighted doesn’t mean it’s entirely original
also how do you copyright stuff i only know how to copyright with creative commons but there is no creative commons license on your copyright so that means it isn’t creative commoned
You just say it’s copyrighted. As long as you made it then it’s copyrighted. That’s the law.
i don’t know how to respond to that after I told you everything they have in common, but sure, use it, i don’t have a problem with it. but don’t go around saying i copied you, because that would just be ridiculous and outrageous.
You don’t have to register your work. Your work is automatically copyrighted to you by law if it’s original to you. Registration just gives more benefits and more protection as it provides papers that can serve as evidence in court if you ever have to sue for infringement.
where is your source on that?
wcb and awc with somewhat similar names and oc’s
That is weird
But yes, the original version of that OC was made by awc
(he posted his OC before u posted this, so legally, that is proof that the OC design is by awc)
var awc = awc95014
That’s called plagiarism
- unless your OC is your brand, the trademark makes no sense, so that’s completely made up.
- you can only copyright things that are original. even if it was original in your head, i made my character design before you by 3 months. i wasn’t the first to design mine either, it probably goes back years.
therefore, you have no rights to your oc, and you can’t trademark, copyright, or patent it, although none of them even make sense in this case.
I would patent it if I could.
somehow you have created a 30 reply thread.
i’m not believing you until you tell me where you got your information from
It’s common knowledge.
well if it’s common knowledge you should be able to easily find that information online to give me a proper source