yeah i do but i haven’t made much these days.
cool can you give me some Links to your Videos/Posts
i guess so but beware is that there really old and bad:
The last video is on Private/Deleted
Oh yeah I deleted it because it was very cringe.
I just wanted to point out i draw this character sorry if it’s repeting but i want that you know that i draw this picture and this character so yea it’s one of my creations. @bluethe_bot_academy did a really good job at redrawing. Sorry if thats pushy
@anon18187711 I’m doing the idea you gave me so long ago (The dumb character that spent all his skills on attack).
oh ok [quote=“Merabet_Abdenoure, post:70, topic:7498, full:true”]
@Breidy_Robless_Rodri I’m doing the idea you gave me so long ago (The dumb character that spent all his skills on attack).
what???! You’re doing it too
No, he(/she) isn’t. They simply meant to quote you saying “oh ok”. The extra text was unintended and was supposed to be part of the quoting formatting.
Ahhhh ok, well nice
Well I didn’t work on it this day but don’t worry I think I’m gonna do soon later
@bluethe_bot_academy when you have nothing please make an enemy to my character
Please don’t make another slime, it should be a creative character like the characters in marion, it shouldn’t look anything like(i.e. no eyes, no ears, no nouse, no face) but it can be like my character just the body and the shadow of it is looking to the right(btw opacity 0.3 which is 30 when color picking) and the lights(i.e. the lights reflected by the body) is 0.1 and the shadow(that is on the character not outside) is 0.5.
i would like to help… but there is so many ideas thats make me hard to choose …
lastly i choose this
err…can you give me some details to the enemy like…what the enemy power
My Project9-19-2021_11-45-40.wick (13.8 KB)
what is marion?
sorry mario not marion, and it shouldn’t look like anything like human soo I’m not gonna take that, to simplify it for you can do a character and the head of it is separated from the body and it is an X, and you can do a rock or anything that doesn’t have life in it(I have no problem with putting a body and the head of it is X or ? or something but the head of a human or any other living creature)
Character details:
he screams too much
he dig’s himself in dirt
he is too skinny and tall
he is angered fast
Other details
His attack is you can say 70%, his defence is 30%, his sneaking is 50% and his reaction is 70%.
hmm…i got bunch of ideas…you can choose the character
enemy9-19-2021_21-04-07.wick (72.5 KB)
if it not what you want
tell me ok…maybe i can think another character…
maybe A or D
but I’m gonna edit them for my sake
I think I’m actually gonna take A