New Code, wick.obj, and Tween?

New Code: createFrame(), removeFrame()
refrence: timeline
how to use it: createFrame(“frame_name”) or removeFrame(“frame_name”)
(note the createframe makes a new BLANK frame)

New wick.obj: Flashy
his clip: floating with a follow mouse code

New tween: transformation
how to use it: Make you’re tween, then go onto the last tween and edit the timeline then edit the object you want to tween.

suggestion 1
but how would you place the frame in the timeline?
how would you put stuff in the frame otherwise this feature would be useless

suggestion 2
i agree that there should be a flashy clip in the asset library. but you can go to the logos page to get a flashy. the link is on the bottom of the wick editor site

suggestion 3
i dont understand that makes no sense idk youre saying to make a tween, then go to the last tween, and then edit the object and timeline in an unspecified way and you will get an unknown result?

it was hart to explain

and aren’t all tweens transformation tweens anyway, since tweens move and scale and rotate things?

wait do you mean shape tweens?


in… the wick site?