(New!) Wick Editor Version 1.17.1 - New Clip Options, Editor Options, Onion Skinning, and More!

I really appreciate these updates! Especially the Clip options, the resolution option and the bug fixes. :smile:
I’m using the test version 1.17 now for the jam, but I’ve run into a lot of bugs. I’ll upload details on all those soon after I get all my thoughts straight. (I currently have a sorta-messy document where I write down all these issues as I find them)

Colors are slightly off using test branch video Export. This is Mayru’s anim, where the one on the left is the exported version. It’s more yellow and saturated overall. It’s a big issue in serious projects when colors have to be carefully balanced.

Also exported that file as a gif and it caused the tongue color to flicker, I guess the algorithm couldn’t decide which shade to use:

That’s unfortunate, although your animation looks awesome anyway :star_struck:

Oh my god! Is there shape tweens?

That anim belongs to Mayru, and there aren’t shape tweens in this version.

Hey @HOTS Thanks for pointing out the contrast issue. I’ll take a look and see if there are some color settings we can change.

Who has hidden my post?

1 bug and 3 suggestions for the “cut frame” feature (shortcut shift + c).

Bug: when the playhead is over a frame which isn’t selected (see image), shift + c does nothing:
Wick Addframe bug
It should create a keyframe at the playhead.
The “insert blank keyframe” button and shortcut act correctly (they make a blank keyframe at the playhead).

Suggestion 1: Change the name of “Cut Frame” in the shortcut menu to “Insert Keyframe” or “Insert Frame”, since the word Cut is deceptive (it’s associated with ctrl + x)

Suggestion 2: rename the current “Add Frame” button to “Blank Frame (shift+8)” since the button doesn’t really add a frame, but rather converts to blank keyframe.
add frame
Suggestion 3: Create a “Keyframe (shift+c)” button beside the “Blank Frame” button so users can convert to non-blank keyframes without the shift+c shortcut.


this is epic i like it.

I see that you’ve edited the post today and I like all the new features
More bug’s are fixed! :bug:
Everything’s turning out great! :+1:
Good job and thanks Wick editor! :clap:

EDIT: EXPORT ISSUE FIXED, however a small bug remains; pressing the x-button still doesn’t cancel an export.

Click to see original bug

I can’t video export anything.

I’m in chrome, test branch, tried exporting a 1-3 frame anim with just circles at all resolutions and it doesn’t progress. At least one other guy has the issue; he sat for an hour with no progress.
Also the x-button on the progress bar box should be made to cancel the export.

Hey @HOTS, could you please send me a screenshot of your developer console? There are some instructions here (My video wont finish rendering!) It will hopefully show an error I can use to fix the problem.

Sorry about the issue!

OMG YESSS THANK U omg i can finally export in .svg yesyesyesyes thank u so much if i start making money it’s going straight to your patreon


small bug/feature request: if you hide the div that an animation is playing on, you get very ugly errors:

VM926:12607 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_transformBounds’ of null
at CanvasView.getBounds (:12607:42)
at CanvasView.getCenter (:12662:15)
at CanvasView.setCenter (:12667:23)
at Wick.View.Project._renderSVGCanvas (:58819:28)
at Wick.View.Project.render (:58657:10)
at Wick.Project.tick (:49217:15)
at eval (:49276:24)

Is there any way to tell the wick-player to stop/destroy itselves?
Or, maybe, a way to surpress the errors :slight_smile:



Is SVG basically a type of image that isn’t made of “pixels” and only made of nodes, lines and curves? Or something along those lines?

it also appears to insist on opening in firefox by default. it will open in chrome if i drag it on a tab or click on the chrome download bar, but clicking on the actual file (in the dock) causes it to open in firefox. it even shows a mini firefox file picture on the left of the download.


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Yeah, SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic. So these are not pixels, but ‘shapes’ and in theory infinitely scalable.
This is a great addition to wick! :slight_smile:


that depends on your setup. Firefox is, apparently, just the default SVG-opening program at your system. You can pick from any number of programs!
An unbelievably great piece of OSS software is inkscape which I use all the time to make grapics.

There is a problem, at the moment, importing those in wick, though. I have found no format that correctly scales the outlines of shapes. Thats a bummer, but it might be fixed yet :slight_smile:

@pwiegers, mind sending over the specific code that you’re doing to reproduce this problem? I’m assuming this is when a project is embedded within another page.