Object moves without touching it

I set the position of the red circle to fig 1. Then after a few minutes of working on the animation, it moves to fig 2 even though I didn’t do anything with it. This is happened four times in the same project. I’m not sure what causes this to happen.

fig 2 is also located where the circle is supposed to be from fig 1 four frames later.

I think whats happening is that the tween is moving back to the original frames tween’s location. I’ve had the same problem (there were others who also had this problem here: Things I've noticed since 1.17). It might be a 1.17 update problem … it’ll be fixed soon, but in the mean time, I just keep returning the tween to its original purpose and save last thing since it would take time for the tween to “break,” or you could make it a mini clip instead of a tween.