Platformer Engine 2.-1.0 - Normal Blocks and New Collision Code

If you don’t know what I added, take a few seconds to read the title. It isn’t that hard to figure out.

If you want certain blocks that fit as a PoC (not super complex, but more to show a concept or base of what you can make), tell me. If you find bugs, you can tell me too. I can’t guarantee fixes, because… well I’m not that great of a coder. I didn’t even write the new collision code tbh, I just modified it to my needs.

Next update, when it is “fully released”, I will probably add basic enemies. I will make a decent attempt to add slopes. Depending on what you want (say you want to add springs or something) I will try add those too. If I plan to make a maker out of this engine, I’ll make it separate, and not part of the engine.

platformer engine 2.-1.08-31-2020_5-04-51PM.wick (6.6 KB)


The collision is pixel perfect!

About this lil thing…
Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 6.33.30 PM
I don’t know why I called it an “up semisolid” but I guess that’s all I came up with at the time. Instead of those really dumb-looking arrows I’ll just make the ground darker.

Goodness gracious it’s this stupid problem again. I’ll try find a fix. It’s really not a platformer anymore now that you can just hold onto walls like that.

Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 6.37.34 PM

Actually I solved it quite quickly. Phew! :sweat_smile:

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I also had the reverse of that bug where you get stuck going up, not down. I fixed that, but now I found a new bug. I’m currently just cowering away from it by making the character smaller. (It’s now 60 wide and high instead of 70.) I want to at least fix this before 2.0.0, but it might have to wait. You can see it here:

platformer engine 2.-1.39-1-2020_10-19-03AM.wick (7.7 KB)