How do I make a wall that does not collide with the player in the wick editor

how do I make a solid wall

explain futher

I am making a top down game in the wick editor and theres a wall that you can go through but how do I make the wall something you cant go through

Change the bolded words with the right words based on ur project, then plug this into the update script for your wall.

if(this.hitTest( PLAYER’s Name )){
if( PLAYER’s Name .x>this.x){
PLAYER’s Name .x-= PLAYER’s Speed ;
if( PLAYER’s Name .x<this.x){
PLAYER’s Name .x+= PLAYER’s Speed ;

If you’ll ever face a problem with plugging this into your project, let me know, and I’ll send you a project with this code used.

its not working for me

1234.wick (3.5 KB)

I put in this the gravity system I usually use in all my games (or at least started using).
You could look through the code, and feel free to play around with it, hopefully this’ll help

You can take a look at one of my platformer engines. It’s so close to perfection… but not quite there yet :disappointed:

ok sure send me the file

@BaronAWC, ur platformer are all pretty nice. btw, nice profile note

@BSA_15, here's 3 versions of @awc95014 's engines:

Platformer Engine 2.-2.1
Platformer Engine 2.-1.4
Platformer Engine 2.-1.0 - Normal Blocks and New Collision Code