Please add some sort of color fading feature

Dear my beloved Wick Editor you must add a fading feature for colors. Please and thank you

what you could do, if you were willing to, is have two seperate layers with the above one having a tween.
something a little like this…

(top layer has the blue square, lower layer has the black square.)

THEN you could add a tween for the opacity of the tool layer.

(Over 25 frames, the top layer goes from 100% to 0% opacity.)

This wouldn’t really work out, I don’t think, for a lot of things, I just thought this would be a good way to help you out since it doesn’t seem that they will add a tool like that soon. :]

At least…I think this is what you mean? Or do you mean gradient?

gradiant is what i meant

oh, in that case, i don’t really know how to help you lol
there was this tutorial using javascript code, but i cant find it and it never worked when i tried it

Hmm… I have done it but the probably is you can typically tell its a different color eachtime unless you want coloring a background to take 30 minutes and make it look like it fades which I have before when necessary

I found the gradient thread: gradient

I see you also joined pretty recently. yeah this caught my attention when I was going in my search history to try and find a episode of Dragon Ball Z that I just watched recently, then somehow found this forum site in there, and I was like “Hey that’s wick editor!” and just made my account not to long ago. I have been using wick for 5+ years so i love it

Thank you!

Thanks again, but I don’t code nor use any of the coding things in Wick Editor, Sorry.