Presets please

i don’t want to have to set the framerate/resolution and brush settings every time i make a new project


agree, It’s so inconvenient to set colors and size everytime.



Yeah, I was kind of disappointed that the colors that appear in the selector if you made a choice (and other settings) are not saved in the file itself. (Same thing for the size of the frames in the timeline…!)




In my opinion it is not that bad. I mean most if the times it is just 3-5 clicks

It IS 3-5 clicks. It is possible to do it, but is slightly inconvenient to remember and change accordingly. If the way of doing something involves time and effort, then it is a good idea to make the process more streamlined and easy by simply making it possible to do it more conveniently. The larger the scale grows, the more highlighted inconveniences might tend to become.
This is a good feature suggestion.


I’m not saying it’s not but in my opinion i don’t need it. But i can understand that you and other people probably are going to use it and even need it


Hi @Brickstar_X,

I agree with your sentiment (don’t build in stuff that is easily fixed by a few clicks) but not in this instance :wink:
Because: it is not a few clicks. We have a number of standard colors I need to use in animations. Copying and pasting them from a stylesheet takes much more time than you might imagine. It is 5/6 colors I use. copying them every time gets tedious real quick :slight_smile:




Yes that’s a good point. I can understand that this is very hard and anoing to do this procide work. But for now you could create a tamplate project with all the colors. Just load it change the name and you have a kinds preset thing and ( on windows) it is just 3-4 clicks. I hope this will help you for now

@Brickstar_X I tried using a template - online and on the downloadable app it does not save the colors. (For me). Did you try this and does it save the colors for you? What version are you using then?

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Oh that sounds like a bug. I didn’t made a template yet but when I make animations my color palette and my colors stay the same

I’m using Windows 10 pro newest version
Microsoft edge newest version
And wick editor web editor newest version